The Air Force expects to complete the divestiture of its C-27J transports by the end of the fiscal year, according to the service’s newly issued plan for implementing the force structure changes that Congress mandated in Fiscal 2013. This entails 21 C-27Js at first, but the number may ultimately grow to more since the newly enacted defense spending legislation for the remainder of Fiscal 2013 directed the Air Force to procure the C-27s in Fiscal 2013 that it had originally intended to buy. Accordingly, the Air Force said it would “evaluate how to best comply with the intent” of that provision—the C-27J procurement contract has expired—and “develop follow-on disposition plans for any C-27J aircraft procured as a result” of the legislation. The Air Force said it would screen its existing C-27s “to determine if there is reuse interest, and if so, when the interested organizations will accept these aircraft,” states the plan. If the airplanes are deemed excess to the Defense Department’s needs, the US Forestry Service has the first right of refusal, followed by the Coast Guard. Each of those agencies may accept up to seven C-27s before the Air Force offers them to other federal agencies, states the plan. The Air Force will then transfer any remaining C-27Js to its aircraft boneyard at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., where they will be “preserved for future reuse or sale,” states the plan. (See also Air Force Announces Intratheater Airlift Decisions.)
Maj. Gen. Larry Broadwell, deputy commander of the 16th Air Force, used an elaborate, sports-themed analogy for understanding information warfare at the AFA Warfare Symposium.