The Air Force has awarded a Bronze Star medal to Capt. Andrew Scott for his actions during a one-year deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Scott, who currently serves as an Air Force ROTC instructor at the University of Georgia, was a senior battle captain in the 201st Regional Security Advisory Command, based at the US Marine Corps’ Camp Blackhorse in Afghanistan. He and his team were at the camp to handle logistics, but shortly after arriving they jumped in to direct an air strike to aid a unit of 62 Afghan National Army troops and their six US Army trainers that had become surrounded and under attack. Scott said of the event: “Within 30 minutes F-15s and Apaches [helicopters] were lighting up the area. It was a huge success story for us.” (Robins AFB, Ga., report by Wayne Crenshaw)
The Air Force has started the process of shutting down its diversity and inclusion offices and boards to comply with a sweeping Executive Order from President Donald Trump, though the process is still ongoing, an official told Air & Space Forces Magazine.