Daily Report

Nov. 2, 2011

Start Date for F-35 Training at Eglin Under Review

A senior Pentagon official has expressed “serious concerns” about starting F-35 training on the Air Force’s conventional take-off and landing variant at Eglin AFB, Fla., this fall, saying the Joint Strike Fighter program has yet to address some safety-related issues....

China Successfully Launches Docking Spacecraft into Orbit

China’s space agency announced Monday the country had successfully launched its Shenzhou-8 spacecraft into orbit, the first step in a planned space docking operation and a significant milestone for the country’s burgeoning space program. The event was televised nationally, as...

Middle East Force Structure Uncertain

The Pentagon hasn’t decided how many troops will be based in the Persian Gulf region after the official withdrawal from Iraq at year’s end, but officials say the US will definitely maintain a presence in the region just as it...

CBO: GPS Alternatives Save Time, Money

A new Congressional Budget Office report, which examines Pentagon plans for modernizing USAF’s Global Positioning System satellites as they reach the end of their service lives, proposes three options that CBO says could save DOD billions of dollars. From 2012...

Declaration on Diversity

Air Force Secretary Michael Donley, Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, and CMSAF James Roy recently signed a “Declaration on Diversity,” which emphasized the importance of diversity to mission success at both the tactical and strategic levels. “In our global...

Jolly Good Partners

Helicopters from the 33rd Rescue Squadron at Kadena AB, Japan, flew to Osan AB, Korea, for intense combat rescue training with the 25th Fighter Squadron’s A-10s. Set to deploy together soon, the combat search and rescue task force combines “training...

Goodbye BDUs

Anyone wearing the old Battle Dress Uniform after Tuesday will officially be breaking regulation. The Air Force has retired the Cold War-era uniform, which was originally designed primarily for wear around Europe. In addition, USAF retired the desert camouflage uniform,...

US Access to Manas Closed Beyond 2014

Kyrgyzstan will not permit the US to extend use of the Manas Transit Center beyond the planned US pull-out from Afghanistan in 2014. After winning the presidential election Sunday, President-elect Almazbek Atambayev’s remarks appear to contradict a statement last month...

Dyess Gets its 10th Super Herc

A 10th factory fresh C-130J Super Hercules joined the 317th Airlift Group at Dyess AFB, Tex., after a ferry flight from Lockheed Martin’s Marietta, Ga., production facility last week. The stretched C-130J-30 is one of 28 Super Hercs slated for...