Key Resolve, Foal Eagle Begin

US and South Korean forces kicked off the annual Key Resolve command post exercise on Monday. The exercise ensures the US-South Korean alliance is prepared for the defense of South Korea, while training “alliance forces to respond to any potential event on the peninsula,” states a US Forces Korea release. Key Resolve runs through March 13 and includes the participation of five partners in the US-South Korea Combined Forces Command: Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark, and France. Osan Air Base will host some 600 additional US and coalition personnel who will augment the resident US and South Korean forces during the exercise, according to an Osan release. “It is important to maintain our high level of proficiency on key tasks while exercising different scenarios,” said Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, USFK commander. The training window for Exercise Foal Eagle also began on Monday. This training exercise, which goes until April 24, will include a series of joint and combined field training events by the CFC and the USFK component commands, announced USFK. Foal Eagle will encompass land, air, naval, and special operations drills. An F-16 expeditionary contingent from the Colorado Air National Guard’s 140th Wing that deployed to South Korea in February will support the two exercises.