Enter the F-16V

Lockheed Martin unveiled a revamped version of its F-16 multi-role fighter at the Singapore Air Show on Wednesday. The F-16V—the V stands for Viper, the name F-16 pilots have dubbed the distinctive fighter—features enhancements like an active electronically scanned array radar, upgraded mission computer and architecture, and additional cockpit improvements, according to a company release. These are capabilities that the Air Force and international customers have identified for future improvement, stated the company. “We believe this F-16V will satisfy our customers’ emerging requirements and prepare them to better interoperate with . . . fifth generation fighters,” said George Standridge, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics’ vice president for business development. The F-16V configuration is an option for new production jets and elements of the upgrade are available to most earlier model F-16s, according to the company. It noted that it has developed “an innovative solution to affordably retrofit” an AESA radar into existing F-16s.