Polish C-130 Maintenance Officers Visit Dyess

A group of Polish air force officers visited Dyess AFB, Tex., for two weeks of fundamental C-130 maintenance and management skills training with members of Dyess’ 317th Airlift Group. “This visit will only strengthen our international relationship,” said 1st Lt. Edwin Cruz of the 317th Maintenance Operations Squadron. “We learn from them just as much as they learn from [us].” The Polish air force operates former USAF C-130Es. The guest officers shadowed their maintenance hosts, observing actions like scheduling aircraft for maintenance. They also watched crew chiefs and maintainers as they worked on Dyess’ C-130s. “We had a great time doing on-the-job training with experienced maintenance officers,” said Maj. Daniel Fic, one of the Polish officers. “This visit was very beneficial.” Before coming to Dyess, the Poles attended the aircraft maintenance officer course at Sheppard AFB, Tex., for four months. (Dyess report by SrA. Robert Hicks)