Lorenz Announces Retirement Date

The retirement ceremony for Gen. Stephen Lorenz, commander of Air Education and Training Command at Randolph AFB, Tex., is set for Nov. 17, announced AETC officials. His retirement will take effect Jan. 1, they said. Lorenz has led AETC since July 2008. He announced his retirement plans in May, but gave no dates. Among his accomplishments as AETC commander, Lorenz oversaw development of remotely piloted aircraft and cyberspace training courses. He also improved battlefield airmen training and stood up joint expeditionary tasking combat skills training. “Over his tenure as the AETC commander, he has not only provided the Air Force with outstanding training and education initiatives, he has also served as a beacon for leadership development,” said Gen. Howie Chandler, USAF’s vice chief of staff. Confirmed for a fourth star to replace Lorenz is Lt. Gen. Edward Rice. (Randolph report by Jessica Turner)