April 2009
Vol. 92, No. 4
Highlights from the April 2009 Issue
The Air Force Accepts More Risk
Southwest Asia Power Shift
The Cost of the Force
Preparing for World War
The Mission-Adaptive Air Force
Downshifting in Space
Doolittle’s Raid
Paradox List
“Gary, You Better Get Back In It!”
Washington Watch
The Promise and Perils of Foreign Bases
Air Force World
Action in Congress
Fw 190 Würger
AFA National Report
Complete Contents of April 2009 PDF
PDF Downloads are an Air & Space Forces Association member benefit.Recasting the Air Force
In recent weeks, the Chief of Staff laid out some key, force-defining principles.
The Air Force Accepts More Risk
More innovation will be required, said top Air Force leaders at AFA's Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando.
Southwest Asia Power Shift
At AFA 's Orlando Symposium, top officers sketched out a future of heavy Air Force operations.
The Cost of the Force
Service makes it clear why today's defense budget seems so tight.
Preparing for World War
US aircraft of the late 1930s propelled the Army's air arm toward greatness.
The Mission-Adaptive Air Force
The Air Force has been shifting course for some time.
Downshifting in Space
USAF is seeking new ways to get out of the "one-size-fits-al/" satellite straitjacket.
Doolittle's Raid
The aircraft came from Shangri-La, or so the President said.
Paradox List
Airpower appears to be a mass of contradictions. That perception is right-and wrong.
"Gary, You Better Get Back In It!"
Four decades ago in Montana, an invisible hand-or something-guided a pilotless F-106 to a perfect landing.