February 2006

Vol. 89, No. 2

Highlights from the February 2006 Issue

Huey Goes Long

At USAF’s 23rd Flying Training Squadron, chopper pilots will train on the new Huey II for another 20 years.

Aerospace World

Raptor Declared Operational … The F-22A Raptor was officially declared operational on Dec. 15, meeting a target set years ago. Gen. Ronald E. Keys, head of Air Combat Command, certified that he has enough aircraft, maintenance crews, spares, and pilots...


Rumsfeld’s Operational Focus “I think if I had to pull out one lesson that we’ve learned over the past four or five years, it would be that in the 21st century we’re going to have to stop thinking about things,...

Schlesinger’s Limited Nuclear Options

“Strategic Forces” James R. Schlesinger Annual Defense Department Report Washington, D.C. March 4, 1974 FULL TEXT VERSION A massive Soviet ICBM buildup had fatally undercut the nuclear policy of “assured destruction,” and Washington needed options “other than suicide or surrender.”...


Perspectives on Khobar Towers Editor in Chief Robert Dudney says in his November editorial [“The Shadow of Khobar Towers,” p. 2] that the Clinton Administration “appeased” Iran after the Khobar Towers bombing. But doing nothing is not appeasement. By definition,...
Complete Contents of February 2006 PDF
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What It Means To Be No. 1
The United States, unlike any other nation, is a global power with worldwide interests, responsibilities, and allies.
By Robert S. Dudney

Washington Watch
Another QDR, Another Cut; Why an F-22 Stretch Out?; The UAV Factor ....
By John A. Tirpak

The Chinese Calculus
There is hard power, soft power, and airpower, and the greatest of these may be airpower.
By Rebecca Gran

ISR Miracles, at a Reasonable Price
The Air Force will update many of its old warhorses and throw in an exotic new system or two.
By John A. Tirpak

Smashing the UAV Stovepipe
Will the new center of excellence in Nevada succeed in bringing order out of chaos?
By Adam J. Hebert

Flight-Test Worries
A testing capability that was once the envy of the world has begun to suffer from the drift and sag of austerity.
By Otto Kreisher

Huey Goes Long
At USAF's 23rd Flying Training Squadron, chopper pilots will train on the new Huey II for another 20 years.
By Ted Carlson

Calculated Courage at Thai Nguyen
Merlyn Dethlefsen pressed the attack on the SAM sites through the heaviest flak ever seen in North Vietnam.
By John T. Correll

Footholds tor the Fighting Force
The Air Force has perfected its techniques for getting the most out of remote air bases.
By Daniel L. Haulman

The Ground Observer Corps
Some 800,000 volunteers at 16,000 observation posts scanned the sky for hostile aircraft.
By Bruce D. Callander

Sharp Focus on Air Force Civilians
Civilian workers will be put through tactical, operational, and strategic training programs
By George Cahlink



The Keeper File


The Chart Page

Aerospace World

Index to Advertisers

Senior Staff Changes

Action in Congress

This Is AFA

Field Contacts

AFA/AEF National Report

Unit Reunions

Airpower Classics