Buying only 180 F-22s makes no sense.
The concept works. It has also led to a new way of life for the Air Force.
The X-45, which began as a simple, short-range UCAV, is now starting to look like an unmanned bomber.
Those who think fighters are finished do not understand basic operational requirements of war.
In shaping the nuclear arsenal, the US seeks reductions and "reversibility."
The war on terror keeps thousands in the Air Force involuntarily.
American forces now are using a base that didn't exist in a country that, until recently, didn't exist
Buildings at Hickam AFB, Hawaii, still reveal scars from that devastating day, more than 60 years ago.
Twenty years ago, the Air Force activated its first Ground Launched Cruise Missile wing in Europe.
For Gen. John P. Jumper, USAF's Chief of Staff, the goal is a balance between today and tomorrow.
Sixty years ago, Flying Tiger David Hill was a hero. He still is.
Three Killed in MC-130 Crash Two airmen and one soldier were killed when an Air Force MC-130H Combat Talon II crashed upon takeoff in southeast Afghanistan June 12. The airmen were TSgt. Sean M. Corlew, 37, of Thousands Oaks, Calif.,...
Noam Is Out Again “The atrocities of Sept. 11 are quite new in world affairs, not in scale and character, but in target. The United States exterminated its indigenous population, conquered half of Mexico, and carried out depredations all over....
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