June 1983

Vol. 66, No. 6

Highlights from the June 1983 Issue

Complete Contents of June 1983 PDF
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Special Section: The Electronic Air Force

C3 Survivability in the Budget Wars
Affordability and cost control are key concerns at ESD.
By Edgar Ulsamer

What's Happening in Electronics at ESD
A checklist of major electronics projects.

Electronic Combat in Operation
TAWC draws up the blueprint to control the electromagnetic spectrum.
By F. Clifton Berry, Jr.

What's Happening in Electronic. Combat at TAWC
A gallery of major tactical electronic combat programs.

C3 for the European Air War
Efficient use of airpower depends on enhanced battle data management.
By William P. Schlitz

A Continental Outlook on Airborne Early Warning
The Force is with NATO as AEW becomes part of the air defense system.
By Mark Berent

Managing Change in Telecommunications
AFCC moves to meet the challenge of keeping everyone connected.
By Capt. Michael B. Perini, USAF


Potholes In the Two-Way Street
Cooperative weapons projects are riding a bumpy road.
By F. Clifton Berry, Jr.

Artful Compromise on Missiles
The Scowcroft report avoids goring the arms-control ox.
By Edgar Ulsamer

The Costly Alternative to Controlling Cost
FSC's A3 study says the alternative is smaller and smaller weapons buys.
By John T. Correll

Questions at the Paris Air Show / By F. Clifton Berry, Jr. 94
Range from speculation about the F-20 to the future of technology transfer.

The Stout and the Strident on the Mediterranean Rim
A plethora of potential (and recurring) problems plague the Med.
By Gen. T. A. Milton, USAF (Ret.)

Night Into Day With Pave Tack
Making the Air Force combat capable twenty-tour hours a day.
By F. Clifton Berry, Jr.

The Controllers Come Home
ATC people did the job when called on during the strike emergency.
By Capt. Michael B. Perini, USAF Military

Flying With the Royal Air Force
A USAF exchange officer finds that the RAF's TWU training is tops.
By Capt. Darrel R. Greer, USAF

Weapons Delivery in the RAF
Flying low and fast in the Hawk feels safer than driving in London.
By F. Clifton Berry, Jr.

Valor: One Turning and One Burning
Bill Lawley managed somehow to bring home his badly battered 8-17.
By John L. Frisbee

The Dead Cockroach Maneuver
It's no way to avoid tempting the Russian bear.
By Gen. T. R. Milton, USAF (Ret.)

Jane's All the World's Aircraft Supplement
From the huge C-58 Galaxy to Luscombe's tiny ultralight Rattler.
By Compiled by John W. R. Taylor



In Focus . . .

Capitol Hill

Aerospace World

Index to Advertisers s


The Bulletin Board

Senior Staff Change


Unit Reunions

AFA State Contacts

There I Was . . .