Congressional aides told CongressDaily that the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves has decided against recommending a seat on the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the head of the National Guard Bureau. The Congressional commission plans to release its report on a range of issues March 1 but already has submitted a preliminary report to lawmakers. Megan Scully also reports that the commission does not favor moving budget authority for the Air National Guard and Army National Guard from the Air Force and Army, respectively, to the Guard. Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Robert Gates told lawmakers he is against a JCS seat for the Guard. Days earlier, NGB chief Army Lt. Gen. Steven Blum indicated he now favors such a move. Meanwhile, the strong National Guard caucus has reintroduced legislation intended to gain a JCS chair and make other changes to empower the Guard.
The Air Force became the latest service to roll out a new operating concept for the future when Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin unveiled the service's Force Design last fall. But the Air Force is hardly the only service with a Force Design, and a pressing question for the…