The U.S. military’s ability to deploy troops across the vast Indo-Pacific theater relies on critical civilian infrastructure like airlines, railways, and ports that is vulnerable to disruption by enemy cyber attacks, a new report warns.
In a war with China, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) could seek to cripple America’s ability to fight with cyber attacks on civilian infrastructure it relies on to move forces across the continental United States (CONUS) and out into theater, said the Cyberspace Solarium Commission 2.0, a non-profit successor to the original CSC, created by Congress to study how to defend the U.S. against large-scale cyber attacks.
Despite the threat, the Pentagon’s efforts to secure that infrastructure are inadequate and siloed off from the broader efforts of the federal government to protect the nation from cyberattack, the commission declared.
“We use the commercial rail, ports, and aviation system to move our troops, equipment, and supplies forward,” retired Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery, the director of CSC 2.0, told reporters on a conference call last week.
Specific deployments like a Special Forces team going to Yemen might rely exclusively on military transportation like aircraft or naval vessels, Montgomery explained. But in any major mobilization, even troops being taken to the battlefield by military transportation would likely have to rely on civilian infrastructure to get to their port of departure.
“For broadly moving our forces, for generating the forces that we need to fight a major war, we’re going to use our commercial rail, port, and aviation systems 95 to 98 percent,” said Montgomery, a former staffer for Sen. John McCain and executive director of the original CSC.
In a potential major conflict with China, the U.S. would have to move tens of thousands of troops—if not more—in short order. The sheer scale would require the military to rely on civilian transportation.
“U.S. adversaries know that compromising this critical infrastructure through cyber and physical attacks would impede America’s ability to deploy, supply, and sustain large forces,” the commission stated in its report.
What’s more, China appears to be acting on that knowledge. Public reporting from the U.S. intelligence community indicates that a Chinese cyber actor called Volt Typhoon has prepositioned itself within the networks of civilian critical infrastructure providers.
“That’s not espionage,” said Montgomery, “That is operational preparation of the battlefield by the adversary. That is China saying, ‘Not only do you, Mark, now know that your warfighting is enabled by your [civilian] transportation systems, but we, the Chinese, know it too and we’ve done something about it.’”
According to the U.S. intelligence community’s annual threat assessment, in the event of an imminent conflict with the U.S., China would “consider aggressive cyber operations against U.S. critical infrastructure and military assets to impede U.S. decision-making, induce societal panic, and interfere with the deployment of U.S. forces.”
DOD is taking steps to defend against the threat. For years now, Pentagon leaders have considered what it could mean if an adversary hacked into a U.S. base’s energy grid, for example, crippling the military’s ability to do its mission.
And within the fence line, Montgomery said, they are succeeding—he described U.S. military bases as “the Noah’s ark of infrastructure: There’s two of everything.”
But its efforts to work with civilian critical infrastructure owners and operators have not been coordinated with the broader efforts of the federal government to protect critical infrastructure against foreign cyber attacks.
During a conflict with an high-end adversary, it’s “likely to attack U.S. critical infrastructure in an attempt to constrain Washington’s policy options, including its capacity to mobilize the armed forces. Inhibiting the U.S. military’s ability to move troops and materiel from ‘fort to port’ takes a significant capability off America’s chessboard. Ensuring the resilience of U.S. critical infrastructure must be a top priority for the nation as a whole and for DOD in particular,” concludes the report.