Congress is sold on developing operationally responsive space, be it satellite payloads built to common technical standards, low-cost launch vehicles, or command and control and operational concepts that employ responsive space capabilities. In fact, the 2007 defense authorization bill requires DOD to establish an Operationally Responsive Space Program Office, to be led by the DOD executive agent for space—the Air Force undersecretary—or other designee that would report to the executive agent. This office would coordinate responsive space efforts, pursue science and technology capabilities, buy the necessary space systems, and provide an operations element to oversee and operate ORS assets. DOD is to provide a report detailing how it will set all this up—it’s due 120 days after the President signs the defense bill. Lawmakers also corrected the Administration’s lack of ORS funding, by providing $23.5 million to develop ORS capabilities.
A prototype aircraft tug being tested out at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. could save MQ-9 Reaper maintainers time and money and cut down on safety risks on the flightline.