Maj. Gen. Frank R. Faykes, Air Force deputy assistant secretary for Budget, said that his “first look” at the 2007 defense appropriations bill passed by the House Tuesday night—to be taken up in the Senate today—showed Congressional appropriators have handed the Air Force somewhat less than it requested for personnel ($34.4 billion vice $34.5 billion), readiness ($27 billion vice $29 billion), and infrastructure ($5.7 billion vice $5.8). Faykes told attendees Wednesday at AFA’s Air & Space Conference in Washington that for modernization and recapitalization, appropriators bettered the Air Force request slightly, making it $36.7 billion vice $36.6.
With Congress considering another continuing resolution to cover the rest of fiscal 2025, the Space Force’s No. 2 officer asked lawmakers to give the service “flexibility” to deal with budget uncertainty.