Saying it is “tough to argue with results,” Col. Todd Harmer, vice commander of the active 388th Fighter Wing at Hill AFB, Utah, says the integration of the 388th and the Air Force Reserve Command 419th FW works and the proof is in the active and Reserve airmen deployed now to Iraq, where the Total Force team of pilots and maintainers are “doing exactly what the combatant commander needs them to do.” SSgt. Matthew Rosine reports that the two wings, as of July, are in Phase III of their Total Force Integration effort, and Col. Buck Sams, 419th vice commander, said, “We are demonstrating success on a daily basis, but there is never going to be an end-state to this [because] it is always going to … continue to develop and mature itself.”
Fixing the Air Force’s chronic combat pilot shortage will require more aircraft in the fleet, more flying hours to squadron operations, and retaining more pilots within Reserve components, according to a new paper from AFA’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.